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Fixed income

Fonds - Optimum Obligations




Fixed Income


Optimum Obligations is mainly comprised of European sovereign corporate debt securities.

This Fund invests in Treasury securities, with no maturity constraints. The management approach is based on a pragmatic analysis of various key factors (including economic indicators, markets and technical drivers) influencing real interest rates and inflation. This analysis is used to determine geographic areas, sensitivity levels and expected interest rate movements based on a selected investment scenario.

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Date established1999/01/15
ISIN codeFR0007019211
Assets under management (€ M)49.88 (2025/01/31)
Net asset value (€)36.43 (2025/01/31)
CashDaily/Before 11:00 a.m.


Thomas Quintela

Thomas Quintela

Dora Gamaoun

Dora Gamaoun

Fund features

Management milestones are used to:

  • Actively manage the portfolio’s duration
  • Arbitrage credit spreads between government and corporate bonds
  • Arbitrage credit spreads between the eurozone countries

This product carries a risk of capital loss.

Risk indicator








← Lower riskHighest risk →
⚠ The synthetic risk indicator is based on the assumption that you hold the product for the recommended investment horizon. It allows you to assess the level of risk of this product compared to others. It indicates the probability that this product may incur losses in the event of market movements or our inability to make payments to you.

Main risks

Interest Rate Risk:

The Fund is, at any given time, subject to interest rate risk. Therefore, in the event of an increase in interest rates, the net asset value of the Fund may decrease.

Credit Risk:

The Fund is, at any given time, exposed to credit risk related to issuers. In case of a deterioration in their financial situation or default, the value of debt securities may decrease, leading to a decline in the net asset value.

Detailed information about the product's risks is available in the pre-contractual documentation of the Fund.

Documentation (only available in French)

Other information


Asset classBonds
Geographic AreaEurozone
Minimum recommended
investment period
3 years
Asset managerOptimum Gestion Financière S.A.
CustodianSociété Générale Securities Services (SGSS)
SFDR classificationArticle 6
Reference currencyEUR
Eligibility for French
Equity Savings Plan (PEA)
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